A nutty connection
All you got for
free on the airline flight was a bag of peanut and a beverage? If you're
Wildcat fans John & Joan Schindelar (see photo) you're happy for the
nuts. Look at the little foil peanut bag and see it's a product of King Nut
Companies of Solon, Ohio, in the Cleveland metro area. Southwest and many other
airlines use King Nuts. (The company
also produces pretzels for in-flight snacking.) John, leader of Linfield
Football's famous Water Crew, is a Solon High School grad. In addition to
cheering on the Wildcats, McMinnville residents John and his wife Joan are fans
of the Buckeyes of Ohio State University in Columbus, 140 miles from Solon. Oh,
one other thing. John's niece's husband, Tim Stawiarski, works for King
Nut. Wildcatville photos taken 11/16/2014 of John & Joan Schindelar.