Monday, April 21, 2008

What some Linfield students were thinking in 1968 (Sunday Oregonian Northwest magazine 4/21/1968)

Linews April 25, 1968

Northwest magazine
to feature Linfield

Northwest magazine, weekly section of the Sunday Oregonian will run an article April 28 entitled, "Something is Happening at Linfield."

The story which will be about two pages in length was apparently manufactured after Northwest writers visited here last week for an article on the college student which was run in their April 21 edition.

The article will likely include pictures, but no further details were available.

Linews article above mentions "an article on the college student" which ran in the April 21, 1968, Oregonian. That article includes what some Linfield students were thinking in spring 1968. R

The Student What Is He Thinking? cover story in 'Northwest,' the Sunday Oregonian magazine 4/21/1968

What is The Student Thinking Today?

How do Oregon college student feel about the future, about advice from parents, success, honesty in business and other vital issues affecting their future?

Sunday Northwest Magazine presents a poll of Oregon college students thinking today. Ten questions were formulated by Joe Bianco, the Northwest Magazine Editor and a scientific poll was constructed by Bardsley and Haslacher Inc., veteran marketing and opinion research firm.

Writers from Northwest Magazine visited five Oregon campuses and asked the poll questions to students picked at random.

Ten students were questioned at each college, for a total of 50 personal interviews.

Art Chenoweth went to Portland State University and Carl Gohs to Pacific University at Forest Grove. Both are free lance writers and frequent contributors to Northwest Magazine.

Linda Lampman, former Oregonian staff member and now a frequent free lance contributor visited Lewis & Clark College in Portland.

Jim Magmer, staff member who also writes frequently for the Magazine covered Linfield College at McMinnville and Oregon State University at Corvallis, accompanied by the Magazine editor.

As a check on accuracy, Roy Bardsley of Bardsley and Haslacher supervised an additional survey by telephone ... etc. etc. etc.


One of the photos taken at Linfield for the April 21, 1968, article has a cutline which reads "IN THE CAFETERIA." In reality, it was taken in the coffee shop of Riley Student Center, not in the commons, Dillin Hall.

Another photo, with cutline reading "AMBULATORY DISCUSSION," appears to show (left to right) Jeff Basinski, Dan Beeson and Norm Musser. 

 The JPG posted below of the Linfield student article from the 4/21/1968 Sunday Oregonian Northwest magazine is hard to read. For a better look at the article, see PDFs linked below:  

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