Monday, July 25, 2022

Maxwell Field was used for McMinnville square dance festival in 1962

From the July 25, 1962, McMinnville N-R/News-Register the cutline for this photo reprinted in the N-R 7/26/2022 edition: “Workmen rapidly lay plywood panel flooring over stringers across Linfield’s football field in preparation for the big weekend square dance festival in McMinnville. More than two acres in size, the floor will experience use by more than 500 square dancers expected for the huge festival.”

==COMMENT: As it is now (2022) it was then (1962), Maxwell Field is the name of Linfield’s football field.  Note a partial view of the Linfield football scoreboard. (See cropped photo below.) Some remember the lower part of the board was painted light purple.

Click on each photo to see a larger version.