Saturday, May 02, 2020

Linfield College sign of the times, prior (April-May 2020) to college becoming university on July 1, 2020

On 4/29/2020 morning Fellows Street/Founders Way Linfield College entryway sign is repaired. Vandals removed some of the "Linfield College" letters, apparently as mementos. Left, after removal, from "Linfield" were "Lin," the dot from the "i" and from "College" were "C" and "l." Perhaps the vandalism due to fact on 7/1/2020 Linfield College will become Linfield University. Other photos, two of the same sign (now repaired) taken 5/2/2020 afternoon. Also from 5/2/2020 two photos of a banner on a light fixture near same entryway sign.