*However, another website about Linfield says, "Taylor Hall was originally a mess hall located at the Portland Air Base; in 1946, it was moved" to Linfield.
A photo cutline in the 2012 book
McMinnville/Images of America says, Many former Portland Air Base buildings were moved to the college, including a theater, single-family dwellings, and the wings of the science building which once served as a mess hall.” (Portland Air Base was a base of the U.S. Army Air Corps and, later, the U.S. Army Air Forces. The U.S. Air Force as a separate military service was established in 1947.)
Taylor Hall named for Luther Taylor.
Henry Lever biography posted at Wildcatville includes a mention of Luther Taylor.
Henry Lever biography posted at Wildcatville includes a mention of Luther Taylor.
As a job in the summer of 1942 -- in the early part of World
War II -- Henry Lever's engineering background was helpful when he was involved
in the construction of what is now McMinnville Municipal Airport. He and Luther
Taylor, a Linfield chemistry professor, were runway grade inspectors. There
were two runways. He inspected one runway and Taylor inspected the other.
Construction was a wartime project funded by the U.S. Army.
Wildcatville photos 4/15/2017